Performing vs. Improving

Improvement does not happen while you are solving tsumego or while you are playing because then you are just performing at your current level. The phase where you improve is when you look at the answer or the game analysis and are thinking and figuring out things afterwards.

It’s not a failure, it’s a step to success

In April 2023, basketball player Giannis Antetokounmpo said this after being asked if he considered the past season a failure: Do you get a promotion every year at your job? No, right? So every year, your work is a failure? No. Every year, you work towards something, which is a goal: It’s to get a …

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Plus and Minus Values

“Plus value” is something that either directly gives you points, like territory, or can potentially give you points, like influence. “Minus value” is something that can take something away from your pocket, like cutting points, weak shapes and weak groups. If you have them, you can potentially lose something. The opponent has something there.

Learning Techniques for Go

This article focusses on learning techniques based around Bloom’s taxonomy—remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create—and how they apply to Go.

How to Train with AI

You cannot beat KataGo in an even game; even top professionals have to take two or three handicap stones. But high-handicap games are different from even games. KaTrain can weaken KataGo but it does not play human moves found in Asian server games. Find positions from your games where KataGo says that you have a …

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Nigel Davies on “The How and the What”

The how is more important than the what. It really doesn’t matter what you study, the important thing is to use this as a training ground for thinking rather than trying to assimilate a mind-numbing amount of information. In these days of a zillion different chess products this message seems to be quite lost, and …

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101weiqiLocalizer Chrome Extension is a Chinese-language web site where you can solve Go problems. Unfortunately there is no English-language localization of that website. So I wrote a Chrome extension that aims to make it easier for those of us who don’t read Chinese to use that site. The extension adds a script to’s web pages which …

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David Bull on the ten-thousand hours rule

When it comes to developing ability at something, a craft like this, or perhaps at a sport, anything really, we commonly hear people talking about such things as “it takes ten thousand hours” as though it were simply a matter of spending enough time and making enough repetitions. But that’s not true. […]. It’s no …

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Jeff on managing time pressure

On 2021.04.10, Jeff 6d held a Nordic Go Dojo lecture on mangaging time pressure. This post contains my lesson notes. In the first twenty minutes, Jeff explained the general procedure on handling byo-yomi. Outline Give your mind positive, encouraging signals. Be calm, not emotional, to make the most of your byo-yomi period. Before entering byo-yomi, …

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