101weiqi Cheat Sheet

Problem collections


At https://www.101weiqi.com/guan/ you can solve sets of ten problems for any level that you have unlocked. To unlock a level you need to solve at least eight problems in a set.


After attempting a problem – whether you got it right or wrong – there is a star icon underneath the button bar. Toggle it to add or remove that problem from your “starred” problems. https://www.101weiqi.com/star/ shows your starred problems.


A “book” is a collection of problems. There are public books like famous collections; you can see them at https://www.101weiqi.com/book/ .

You can also generate a custom set of problems according to a few parameters. To create a book, go to https://www.101weiqi.com/task/createbook/ .

To see a list of your books, go to https://101weiqi.com/task/ . This page also has a list of your books at the top of the right sidebar.

When you click on a book you get to a page that lists the book’s parameters. It also has a blue link to edit the book (编辑作业模板) and a green button to generate a set according to the parameters.

On a book’s index page the “→按难度顺序查阅本书” link. above the chapter list, takes you to the index of problems in that book in order of difficulty.

Each book has a number that is contained in the URL, for example, https://www.101weiqi.com/book/3/ . For these URLs you can insert “levelorder/” before the number to get the level-order link, for example https://www.101weiqi.com/book/levelorder/3/ .

For some books there is an equivalent URL that contains a name. For example, the above book with number 3 can also be accessed at https://www.101weiqi.com/book/shoujinchidian/ . In this case, inserting “levelorder/” does not work.

To get problems at your level without no time limit and with two attempts per problem, go to https://www.101weiqi.com/task/do/ .

The header is like “做一题 今日完成 2 题,做对 1 题,正确率 50%,平均难度: 4K+”

  • 今日完成 = number of problems attempted today
  • 做对 = number of problems solved correctly
  • 正确率 = rate of correct problems
  • 平均难度 = average difficulty.

When creating your own books you can generate collections like these very flexibly.

Tsumego sets mentioned in the guide “On How A Grown-Up Can Self-learn Weiqi from Tygem 2D to 8D” are linked at http://mygowiki.tiddlyspot.com/#%22To%20Tygem%208D%22%20tsumego%20sets .


To see the last 50 (or so) problems you got wrong, go to https://101weiqi.com/error/ . There may be a delay before problems that you got wrong show up in this list; maybe it’s only generated once or a few times each day.