Hein Donner on pondering and touching the Chess pieces

In the oddly-titled Dutch Chess documentary “The Love for Wood”, at 2:00 (with subtitles), eccentric Chess player Hein Donner says: […] a remarkable moment is the moment you will make your move. It’s the exact moment you touch the piece. In the split second you touch the piece you’ll see more than you have seen …

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Garry Kasparov on playing computers and humans

For all of chess history, even the greatest players had been sheltered from the sort of incredibly complex tactical play that computers handled almost trivially by 1993. You knew that your human opponents had roughly the same limitations as you did when it came to dealing with whatever arose on the board. […] Generally, I …

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David Bull on the ten-thousand hours rule

When it comes to developing ability at something, a craft like this, or perhaps at a sport, anything really, we commonly hear people talking about such things as “it takes ten thousand hours” as though it were simply a matter of spending enough time and making enough repetitions. But that’s not true. […]. It’s no …

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Jeff on managing time pressure

On 2021.04.10, Jeff 6d held a Nordic Go Dojo lecture on mangaging time pressure. This post contains my lesson notes. In the first twenty minutes, Jeff explained the general procedure on handling byo-yomi. Outline Give your mind positive, encouraging signals. Be calm, not emotional, to make the most of your byo-yomi period. Before entering byo-yomi, …

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Review every game

A veteran single-digit kyu player at our club once told me, “I never review my games because if I win I don’t need it and if I lose I’m no longer interested.”

In the words of Luke Skywalker: “Amazing. Everything you just said was wrong.”

Categories AI

Discussing AlphaGo’s style: Ke Jie and Fan Hui

In a three-part video series released by DeepMind, Ke Jie and DeepMind’s Go Ambassador Fan Hui review the AlphaGo vs Ke Jie games. Here I have paraphrased statements about the AlphaGo style of play.

Categories AI

eSports terminology for Go

Some of the terminology used in eSports games like League of Legends or Starcraft corresponds to concepts in Go.

Yunguseng Dojang personal report

After my first season in the Yunguseng Dojang, Hwang In-seong 8-dan wrote a personal report in which he highlighted my strengths and weaknesses, outlined a study plan and gave advice. One of the central parts of the report assigns percentage values to various aspects of the game relative to my level.


In the Yunguseng Dojang’s first lecture of season 26, Hwang In-seong 8-dan showed the “pinch” tesuji. This name comes from the Korean word for the kind of move that is called “atekomi” in Japanese. This page explains the nuances and links to related training problems.